What a busy day...after we 'slept' in the airport we made it to Port au Prince, breezed through customs and were on our way to meet the boys (after a few errands on the way). We walked from the 'girls house' to the 'boys house' where we found SnG playing with all the other kids in the yard. I (Tim) confess that it took me a while to find them as I was searching faces rather than looking for the "Big Brother" and "Little Brother" shirts that we had sent them! Jen on the other hand saw Gino make a break for one of the nannies. We were prepped that Sammy would cling to anybody, but that Gino may run away/hide/cry. To our delight and suprise, Gino took to Jen extremely quickly and was glued to her for the day. Jen held him during nap time (and got some needed Z's herself), while I went back to the house we are staying in to get some things. Gino would tense up when I came to try and hold him, and cried when Jen put him down (a miracle in our book). Beth (Momma Beth as she is better known) said that he sees Jen as someone special because it wasn't normal for him to cry like that, and that he is usually content being on his own. Gino warmed up to me when I introduced fruit snacks into the picture, and we were cool from then on...especially when the lollipop and toy cars came out (yes, I resorted to bribery, the last arrow in my quiver). Sammy was content in all situations and loved to be held. Neither one is very talkative, except in defending their toys from some of the bigger kids...we'll see how that progresses. Thanks to all of you bathing us in prayer, so far, so good...much better than we had expected in many ways. Oh, and we're impressed with the McHoul's multi-faceted ministry here, but that will have to be second fiddle to these adoption updates.
Wonderful! Glad to hear things are going well. It sounds like the Lord certainly blessed your first day. They are cute little guys. Will continue to pray for you.
Grammy Pearson is very excited to see the boys...of course they've taken to Tim & Jen...they're pretty special folk! It's wonderful to see the pictures and videos...we send our love and can't wait to hold S&G ourselves!
I love you
Jenny & Tim Just got you address from Cindy & Jim. I was so excited to see the boys. They are so cute & sounds like everthing is going really good. I hope you get to bring them home really soon. More later, I love you &am anxious to meet your little boys
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